Scala tuple combines a fixed number of items together so that they can be passed around as a whole. They are one-indexed. Unlike an array or list, a tuple can hold objects with different types but they are also immutable. Here is an example of a tuple holding an integer, a string, and the console:

val t = (1, "hello", Console)

Which is syntactic sugar (short cut) for the following:

val t = new Tuple3(1, "hello", Console)

As you can see, tuples can be created easily:

val tuple = ("apple", "dog")
val fruit = tuple._1
val animal = tuple._2

fruit should be(res0)
animal should be(res1)

Tuples may be of mixed type:

val tuple5 = ("a", 1, 2.2, new Date(), "five")

tuple5._2 should be(res0)
tuple5._5 should be(res1)

You can assign multiple variables at once using tuples:

val student = ("Sean Rogers", 21, 3.5)
val (name, age, gpa) = student

name should be(res0)
age should be(res1)
gpa should be(res2)

The swap method can be used to swap the elements of a Tuple2:

val tuple = ("apple", 3).swap
tuple._1 should be(res0)
tuple._2 should be(res1)