An infix type T1 op T2
consists of an infix operator op
which gets applied to two
type operands T1
and T2
. The type is equivalent to the type application op[T1,T2]
The infix operator op
may be an arbitrary identifier, except for *
, which is reserved
as a postfix modifier denoting a repeated parameter type.
We can make a type infix, meaning that the type can be displayed in complement between two types in order to make a readable declaration:
case class Person(name: String)
class Loves[A, B](val a: A, val b: B)
def announceCouple(couple: Person Loves Person) =
//Notice our type: Person loves Person! + " is in love with " +
val romeo = new Person("Romeo")
val juliet = new Person("Juliet")
announceCouple(new Loves(romeo, juliet)) should be(res0)
Of course we can make this a bit more elegant by creating an infix operator method to use with our infix type:
case class Person(name: String) {
def loves(person: Person) = new Loves(this, person)
class Loves[A, B](val a: A, val b: B)
def announceCouple(couple: Person Loves Person) =
//Notice our type: Person loves Person! + " is in love with " +
val romeo = new Person("Romeo")
val juliet = new Person("Juliet")
announceCouple(romeo loves juliet) should be(res0)