Infix Types

An infix type T1 op T2 consists of an infix operator op which gets applied to two type operands T1 and T2. The type is equivalent to the type application op[T1,T2].

The infix operator op may be an arbitrary identifier, except for *, which is reserved as a postfix modifier denoting a repeated parameter type.

We can make a type infix, meaning that the type can be displayed in complement between two types in order to make a readable declaration:

case class Person(name: String)
class Loves[A, B](val a: A, val b: B)

def announceCouple(couple: Person Loves Person) =
  //Notice our type: Person loves Person! + " is in love with " +

val romeo = new Person("Romeo")
val juliet = new Person("Juliet")

announceCouple(new Loves(romeo, juliet)) should be(res0)

Of course we can make this a bit more elegant by creating an infix operator method to use with our infix type:

case class Person(name: String) {
  def loves(person: Person) = new Loves(this, person)

class Loves[A, B](val a: A, val b: B)

def announceCouple(couple: Person Loves Person) =
  //Notice our type: Person loves Person! + " is in love with " +

val romeo = new Person("Romeo")
val juliet = new Person("Juliet")

announceCouple(romeo loves juliet) should be(res0)