
At the top of the collection hierarchy is the trait Traversable. Its only abstract operation is foreach:

def foreach[U](f: Elem => U)

Collection classes that implement Traversable just need to define this method; all other methods can be inherited from Traversable.

The foreach method is meant to traverse all elements of the collection, and apply the given operation, f, to each element. The type of the operation is Elem => U, where Elem is the type of the collection's elements and U is an arbitrary result type. The invocation of f is done for its side effect only; in fact any function result of f is discarded by foreach.

Traversables are the superclass of List, Array, Map, Set, Stream and more. The methods involved can be applied to each other in a different type. ++ appends two Traversables together. The resulting Traversable is the same type of the first element.

val set = Set(1, 9, 10, 22)
val list = List(3, 4, 5, 10)
val result = set ++ list
result.size should be(res0)

val result2 = list ++ set
result2.size should be(res1)

map will apply the given function on all elements of a Traversable and return a new collection of the result:

val set = Set(1, 3, 4, 6)
val result = * 4)
result.lastOption should be(res0)

flatten will "pack" all child Traversables into a single Traversable:

val list = List(List(1), List(2, 3, 4), List(5, 6, 7), List(8, 9, 10))
list.flatten should be(res0)

flatMap will not only apply the given function on all elements of a Traversable, but all elements within the elements and flatten the results:

val list = List(List(1), List(2, 3, 4), List(5, 6, 7), List(8, 9, 10))
val result = list.flatMap( * 4))
result should be(res0)

flatMap of Options will filter out all Nones but keep the Somes:

val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val result = list.flatMap(it => if (it % 2 == 0) Some(it) else None)
result should be(res0)

collect will apply a partial function to all elements of a Traversable and return a different collection. In this exercise, a case fragment is a partial function:

val list = List(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = list.collect {
  case x: Int if (x % 2 == 0) => x * 3
result should be(res0)

Two case fragments can be chained to create a more robust result:

val list = List(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val partialFunction1: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
  case x: Int if x % 2 == 0 => x * 3
val partialFunction2: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
  case y: Int if y % 2 != 0 => y * 4
val result = list.collect(partialFunction1 orElse partialFunction2)
result should be(res0)

foreach will apply a function to all elements of a Traversable, but unlike the map function, it will not return anything since the return type is Unit - an equivalent to a void return type in Java/C++:

val list = List(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
list.foreach(num => println(num * 4))
list should be(res0)

toArray will convert any Traversable to an Array, which is a special wrapper around a primitive Java array:

val set = Set(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = set.toArray
result.isInstanceOf[Array[Int]] should be(res0)

toList will convert any Traversable to a List.

val set = Set(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = set.toList

result.isInstanceOf[List[_]] should be(res0)

toList, as well as other conversion methods such as toSet and toArray, will not convert if the collection type is the same:

val list = List(5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
val result = list.toList
result eq list should be(res0)

toIterable will convert any Traversable to an Iterable. This is a base trait for all Scala collections that define an iterator method to iterate through the collection's elements:

val set = Set(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = set.toIterable
result.isInstanceOf[Iterable[_]] should be(res0)

toSeq will convert any Traversable to a Seq which is an ordered Iterable and the superclass to List, Queue, and Vector. Sequences provide a method apply for indexing. Indices range from 0 up to the length of a sequence:

val set = Set(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = set.toSeq
result.isInstanceOf[Seq[_]] should be(res0)

toIndexedSeq will convert any Traversable to an IndexedSeq which is an indexed sequence used in Vectors and Strings:

val set = Set(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = set.toIndexedSeq
result.isInstanceOf[IndexedSeq[_]] should be(res0)

toStream will convert any Traversable to a LazyList where elements are evaluated as they are needed:

val list = List(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result =
result.isInstanceOf[LazyList[_]] should be(res0)
(result take 3) should be(res1)

toSet will convert any Traversable to a Set which is a collection of unordered, unique values:

val list = List(4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14)
val result = list.toSet
result.isInstanceOf[Set[_]] should be(res0)

toMap will convert any Traversable to a Map. How it's used depends on the original collection; if it's a List or Seq, it should be of parameterized type Tuple2:

val list = List("Phoenix" -> "Arizona", "Austin" -> "Texas")
val result = list.toMap
result.isInstanceOf[Map[_, _]] should be(res0)

toMap will also convert a Set to a Map; it should be of parameterized type Tuple2:

val set = Set("Phoenix" -> "Arizona", "Austin" -> "Texas")
val result = set.toMap
result.isInstanceOf[Map[_, _]] should be(res0)

isEmpty is pretty self-evident:

val map = Map("Phoenix" -> "Arizona", "Austin" -> "Texas")
map.isEmpty should be(res0)

val set = Set()
set.isEmpty should be(res1)

nonEmpty is pretty self-evident too:

val map = Map("Phoenix" -> "Arizona", "Austin" -> "Texas")
map.nonEmpty should be(res0)

val set = Set()
set.nonEmpty should be(res1)

size provides the size of the traversable:

val map = Map("Phoenix" -> "Arizona", "Austin" -> "Texas")
map.size should be(res0)

knownSize will return the number of elements if the traversable has a finite end, otherwise -1:

val map = Map("Phoenix" -> "Arizona", "Austin" -> "Texas")
map.knownSize should be(res0)

val stream = cons(0, cons(1, LazyList.empty))
stream.knownSize should be(res1)

head will return the first element of an ordered collection, or some random element if order is not defined like in a Set or Map:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.head should be(res0)

headOption will return the first element as an Option of an ordered collection, or some random element if order is not defined. If a first element is not available, then None is returned:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.headOption should be(res0)

val list2 = List()
list2.headOption should be(res1)

last will return the last element of an ordered collection, or some random element if order is not defined:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.last should be(res0)

lastOption will return the last element as an Option of an ordered collection, or some random element if order is not defined. If a last element is not available, then None is returned:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.lastOption should be(res0)

val list2 = List()
list2.lastOption should be(res1)

find will locate the first item that matches the predicate p as Some, or None if an element is not found:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.find(_ % 2 != 0) should be(res0)

val list2 = List(4, 8, 16)
list2.find(_ % 2 != 0) should be(res1)

tail will return the rest of the collection without the head:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.tail should be(res0)

init will return the rest of the collection without the last:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.init should be(res0)

Given a from index, and a to index, slice will return the part of the collection including from, and excluding to:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.slice(1, 3) should be(res0)

take will return the first number of elements given:

val list = List(10, 19, 45, 1, 22)
list.take(3) should be(res0)

take is used often with LazyList, since they are also Traversable:

def makeLazyList(v: Int): LazyList[Int] = cons(v, makeLazyList(v + 1))
val a = makeLazyList(2)
(a take 3 toList) should be(res0)

drop will take the rest of the Traversable except the number of elements given:

def makeLazyList(v: Int): LazyList[Int] = cons(v, makeLazyList(v + 1))
val a = makeLazyList(2)
((a drop 6) take 3).toList should be(res0)

takeWhile will continually accumulate elements until a predicate is no longer satisfied:

val list = List(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
list.takeWhile(_ < 100) should be(res0)

dropWhile will continually drop elements until a predicate is no longer satisfied:

val list = List(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
list.dropWhile(_ < 100) should be(res0)

filter will take out all elements that don't satisfy a predicate. (An Array is also Traversable.)

val array = Array(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
array.filter(_ < 100) should be(res0)

filterNot will take out all elements that satisfy a predicate:

val array = Array(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
array.filterNot(_ < 100) should be(res0)

splitAt will split a Traversable at a position, returning a 2 product Tuple. splitAt is also defined as (xs take n, xs drop n)

val array = Array(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
val result = array splitAt 3
result._1 should be(res0)
result._2 should be(res1)

span will split a Traversable according to a predicate, returning a 2 product Tuple. span is also defined as (xs takeWhile p, xs dropWhile p)

val array = Array(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
val result = array span (_ < 100)
result._1 should be(res0)
result._2 should be(res1)

partition will split a Traversable according to a predicate, returning a 2 product Tuple. The left-hand side contains the elements satisfied by the predicate whereas the right hand side contains the rest of the elements. partition is also defined as (xs filter p, xs filterNot p)

val array = Array(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
val result = array partition (_ < 100)
result._1 should be(res0)
result._2 should be(res1)

groupBy will categorize a Traversable according to a given function and return a map with the results. This exercise uses partial function chaining:

val array = Array(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)

val oddAndSmallPartial: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
  case x: Int if x % 2 != 0 && x < 100 => "Odd and less than 100"

val evenAndSmallPartial: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
  case x: Int if x != 0 && x % 2 == 0 && x < 100 => "Even and less than 100"

val negativePartial: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
  case x: Int if x < 0 => "Negative Number"

val largePartial: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
  case x: Int if x > 99 => "Large Number"

val zeroPartial: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
  case x: Int if x == 0 => "Zero"

val result = array groupBy {
  oddAndSmallPartial orElse
    evenAndSmallPartial orElse
    negativePartial orElse
    largePartial orElse

(result("Even and less than 100") size) should be(res0)
(result("Large Number") size) should be(res1)

forall will determine if a predicate is valid for all members of a Traversable:

val list = List(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
val result = list forall (_ < 100)
result should be(res0)

exists will determine if a predicate is valid for some members of a Traversable:

val list = List(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
val result = list exists (_ < 100)
result should be(res0)

count will count the number of elements that satisfy a predicate in a Traversable:

val list = List(87, 44, 5, 4, 200, 10, 39, 100)
val result = list count (_ < 100)
result should be(res0)

foldLeft will combine an operation starting with a seed and combining from the left. foldLeft takes as a first parameter the initial value of the fold. Once the fold is established, you provide a function that takes two arguments. The first argument is the running total of the operation, and the second element is the next element of the list.

Given a Traversable (x1, x2, x3, x4), an initial value of init, an operation op, foldLeft is defined as: (((init op x1) op x2) op x3) op x4)

val list = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
val result = list.foldLeft(0) { (`running total`, `next element`) =>
  `running total` - `next element`
result should be(res0)

val result2 = list.foldLeft(0)(_ - _) //Short hand
result2 should be(res1)

(((((0 - 5) - 4) - 3) - 2) - 1) should be(res2)

foldRight will combine an operation starting with a seed and combining from the right. foldRight takes as a first parameter the initial value of the fold. Once the fold is established, you provide a function that takes two elements. The first is the next element of the list, and the second element is the running total of the operation.

Given a Traversable (x1, x2, x3, x4), an initial value of init, an operation op, foldRight is defined as: x1 op (x2 op (x3 op (x4 op init)))

val list = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
val result = list.foldRight(0) { (`next element`, `running total`) =>
  `next element` - `running total`
result should be(res0)

val result2 = list.foldRight(0)(_ - _) //Short hand
result2 should be(res1)

(5 - (4 - (3 - (2 - (1 - 0))))) should be(res2)

reduceLeft is similar to foldLeft, except that the seed is the head value:

val intList = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
intList.reduceLeft {
  _ + _
} should be(res0)

val stringList = List("Do", "Re", "Me", "Fa", "So", "La", "Te", "Do")
stringList.reduceLeft {
  _ + _
} should be(res1)

reduceRight is similar to foldRight, except that the seed is the last value:

val intList = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
intList.reduceRight {
  _ + _
} should be(res0)

val stringList = List("Do", "Re", "Me", "Fa", "So", "La", "Te", "Do")
stringList.reduceRight {
  _ + _
} should be(res1)

There are some methods that take much of the folding work out by providing basic functionality. sum will add all the elements, product will multiply, min would determine the smallest element, and max the largest:

val intList = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
intList.sum should be(res0)
intList.product should be(res1)
intList.max should be(res2)
intList.min should be(res3)

The naive recursive implementation of reduceRight is not tail recursive and would lead to a stack overflow if used on larger traversables. However, reduceLeft can be implemented with tail recursion.

To avoid the potential stack overflow with the naive implementation of reduceRight we can easily implement it based on reduceLeft by reversing the list and the inverting the reduce function. The same applies for folding operations.

There is also a reduce (and fold) available, which works exactly like reduceLeft (and foldLeft) and it should be the prefered method to call unless there is a strong reason to use reduceRight (or foldRight).

val intList = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
intList.reduceRight((x, y) => x - y) should be(res0)
intList.reverse.reduceLeft((x, y) => y - x) should be(res1)
intList.reverse.reduce((x, y) => y - x) should be(res2)

transpose will take a traversable of traversables and group them by their position in it's own traversable, e.g.: ((x1, x2),(y1, y2)).transpose = (x1, y1), (x2, y2) or ((x1, x2, x3),(y1, y2, y3),(z1, z2, z3)).transpose = ((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), (x3, y3, z3))

val list = List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6), List(7, 8, 9))
list.transpose should be(List(res0, res1, res2))

val list2 = List(List(1), List(4))
list2.transpose should be(List(res3))

mkString will format a Traversable using a given string as the delimiter:

val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
list.mkString(",") should be(res0)

mkString will also take a beginning and ending string to surround the list.:

val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
list.mkString(">", ",", "<") should be(res0)

addString will take a StringBuilder to add the contents of list into the builder.

val stringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
stringBuilder.append("I want all numbers 6-12: ")
list.filter(it => it > 5 && it < 13).addString(stringBuilder, ",")
stringBuilder.mkString should be(res0)