In the previous sections we have seen how case classes could be used to achieve information aggregation, and also how classes could be used to achieve data abstraction or to define stateful objects.
What are the relationship between classes and case classes? How do they differ?
Remember the class definition of BankAccount
class BankAccount {
private var balance = 0
def deposit(amount: Int): Unit = {
if (amount > 0) balance = balance + amount
def withdraw(amount: Int): Int =
if (0 < amount && amount <= balance) {
balance = balance - amount
} else throw new Error("insufficient funds")
And the case class definition of Note
case class Note(name: String, duration: String, octave: Int)
Let’s create some instances of BankAccount
and Note
and manipulate them:
val aliceAccount = new BankAccount
val c3 = Note("C", "Quarter", 3) shouldBe res0
We see that creating a class instance requires the keyword new
, whereas
this is not required for case classes.
Also, we see that the case class constructor parameters are promoted to members, whereas this is not the case with regular classes.
val aliceAccount = new BankAccount
val bobAccount = new BankAccount
aliceAccount == bobAccount shouldBe res0
val c3 = Note("C", "Quarter", 3)
val cThree = Note("C", "Quarter", 3)
c3 == cThree shouldBe res1
In the above example, the same definitions of bank accounts lead to different values, whereas the same definitions of notes lead to equal values.
As we have seen in the previous sections, stateful classes introduce a notion of identity
that does not exist in case classes. Indeed, the value of BankAccount
can change over
time whereas the value of a Note
is immutable.
In Scala, by default, comparing objects will compare their identity, but in the case of case class instances, the equality is redefined to compare the values of the aggregated information.
We saw how pattern matching can be used to extract information from a case class instance:
c3 match {
case Note(name, duration, octave) => s"The duration of c3 is $duration"
By default, pattern matching does not work with regular classes.
A class can extend another class, whereas a case class can not extend another case class (because it would not be possible to correctly implement their equality).
We saw the main differences between classes and case classes.
It turns out that case classes are just a special case of classes, whose purpose is to aggregate several values into a single value.
The Scala language provides explicit support for this use case because it is very common in practice.
So, when we define a case class, the Scala compiler defines a class enhanced with some more methods and a companion object.
For instance, the following case class definition:
case class Note(name: String, duration: String, octave: Int)
Expands to the following class definition:
class Note(_name: String, _duration: String, _octave: Int) extends Serializable {
// Constructor parameters are promoted to members
val name = _name
val duration = _duration
val octave = _octave
// Equality redefinition
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Note =>
(that canEqual this) &&
name == &&
duration == that.duration &&
octave == that.octave
case _ => false
def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Note]
// Java hashCode redefinition according to equality
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val state = Seq(name, duration, octave), b) => 31 * a + b)
// toString redefinition to return the value of an instance instead of its memory addres
override def toString = s"Note($name,$duration,$octave)"
// Create a copy of a case class, with potentially modified field values
def copy(name: String = name, duration: String = duration, octave: Int = octave): Note =
new Note(name, duration, octave)
object Note {
// Constructor that allows the omission of the `new` keyword
def apply(name: String, duration: String, octave: Int): Note =
new Note(name, duration, octave)
// Extractor for pattern matching
def unapply(note: Note): Option[(String, String, Int)] =
if (note eq null) None
else Some((, note.duration, note.octave))
val c3 = Note("C", "Quarter", 3)
c3.toString shouldBe res0
val d = Note("D", "Quarter", 3)
c3.equals(d) shouldBe res1
val c4 = c3.copy(octave = 4)
c4.toString shouldBe res2