
A Prism is an optic used to select part of a Sum type (also known as Coproduct), e.g. sealed trait or Enum.

Prisms have two type parameters generally called S and A: Prism[S, A] where S represents the Sum and A a part of the Sum.

Let’s take a simplified Json encoding:

sealed trait Json
case object JNull extends Json
case class JStr(v: String) extends Json
case class JNum(v: Double) extends Json
case class JObj(v: Map[String, Json]) extends Json

We can define a Prism which only selects Json elements built with a JStr constructor by supplying a pair of functions: - getOption: Json => Option[String] - reverseGet (aka apply): String => Json

import monocle.Prism

val jStr = Prism[Json, String] {
  case JStr(v) => Some(v)
  case _ => None

It is common to create a Prism by pattern matching on constructor, so we also added partial which takes a PartialFunction:

val jStr = Prism.partial[Json, String] { case JStr(v) => v }(JStr)

We can use the supplied getOption and apply methods as constructor and pattern matcher for JStr:

jStr("hello") should be(res0)

jStr.getOption(JStr("Hello")) should be(res1)

jStr.getOption(JNum(3.2)) should be(res2)

A Prism can be used in a pattern matching position:

def isLongString(json: Json): Boolean = json match {
  case jStr(v) => v.length > 100
  case _ => false

We can also use set and modify to update a Json only if it is a JStr:

jStr.set("Bar")(JStr("Hello")) should be(res0)

jStr.modify(_.reverse)(JStr("Hello")) should be(res1)

If we supply another type of Json, set and modify will be a no operation:

jStr.set("Bar")(JNum(10)) should be(res0)

jStr.modify(_.reverse)(JNum(10)) should be(res1)

If we care about the success or failure of the update, we can use setOption or modifyOption:

jStr.modifyOption(_.reverse)(JStr("Hello")) should be(res0)

jStr.modifyOption(_.reverse)(JNum(10)) should be(res1)

As all other optics Prisms compose together:

import monocle.std.double.doubleToInt // Prism[Double, Int] defined in Monocle

val jNum: Prism[Json, Double] = Prism.partial[Json, Double] { case JNum(v) => v }(JNum)

val jInt: Prism[Json, Int] = jNum composePrism doubleToInt
jInt(5) should be(res0)

jInt.getOption(JNum(5.0)) should be(res1)

jInt.getOption(JNum(5.2)) should be(res2)

jInt.getOption(JStr("Hello")) should be(res3)

Prism Generation

Generating Prisms for subclasses is fairly common, so we added a macro to simplify the process. All macros are defined in a separate module (see modules).

import monocle.macros.GenPrism

val rawJNum: Prism[Json, JNum] = GenPrism[Json, JNum]
rawJNum.getOption(JNum(4.5)) should be(res0)

rawJNum.getOption(JStr("Hello")) should be(res1)

If you want to get a Prism[Json, Double] instead of a Prism[Json, JNum], you can compose GenPrism with GenIso (see Iso documentation):

import monocle.macros.GenIso

val jNum: Prism[Json, Double] = GenPrism[Json, JNum] composeIso GenIso[JNum, Double]
val jNull: Prism[Json, Unit] = GenPrism[Json, JNull.type] composeIso GenIso.unit[JNull.type]

A ticket currently exists to add a macro to merge these two steps together.

Prism Laws

A Prism must satisfy all properties defined in PrismLaws from the core module. You can check the validity of your own Prisms using PrismTests from the law module.

In particular, a Prism must verify that getOption and reverseGet allow a full round trip if the Prism matches i.e. if getOption returns a Some.

val jStr = Prism.partial[Json, String] { case JStr(v) => v }(JStr)

def partialRoundTripOneWay[S, A](p: Prism[S, A], s: S): Boolean =
  p.getOption(s) match {
    case None => true // nothing to prove
    case Some(a) => p.reverseGet(a) == s

def partialRoundTripOtherWay[S, A](p: Prism[S, A], a: A): Boolean =
  p.getOption(p.reverseGet(a)) == Some(a)

partialRoundTripOneWay(jStr, JStr("Hi")) should be(res0)

partialRoundTripOtherWay(jStr, "Hi") should be(res1)