
A Lens is an optic used to zoom inside a Product, e.g. case class, Tuple, HList or even Map.

Lenses have two type parameters generally called S and A: Lens[S, A] where S represents the Product and A an element inside of S.

Let’s take a simple case class with two fields:

case class Address(strNumber: Int, streetName: String)

We can create a Lens[Address, Int] which zooms from an Address to its field strNumber by supplying a pair of functions:

  • get: Address => Int
  • set: Int => Address => Address
import monocle.Lens
val strNumber = Lens[Address, Int](_.strNumber)(n => a => a.copy(strNumber = n))

This case is really straightforward so we automated the generation of Lenses from case classes using a macro:

import monocle.macros.GenLens
val strNumber = GenLens[Address](_.strNumber)

Once we have a Lens, we can use the supplied get and set functions (nothing fancy!):

val address = Address(10, "High Street")
streetNumber.get(address) should be(res0)
streetNumber.set(5)(address) should be(res1)

We can also modify the target of Lens with a function, this is equivalent to call get and then set:

streetNumber.modify(_ + 1)(address) should be(res0)
val n = streetNumber.get(address)
n should be(res1)
streetNumber.set(n + 1)(address) should be(res2)

We can push the idea even further, with modifyF we can update the target of a Lens in a context, cf cats.Functor:

def neighbors(n: Int): List[Int] =
  if (n > 0) List(n - 1, n + 1) else List(n + 1)

import cats.implicits._ // to get Functor[List] instance
import cats.implicits._ // to get Functor[List] instance
streetNumber.modifyF(neighbors)(address) should be(res0)
streetNumber.modifyF(neighbors)(Address(135, "High Street")) should be(res1)

This would work with any kind of Functor and is especially useful in conjunction with asynchronous APIs, where one has the task to update a deeply nested structure with the result of an asynchronous computation:

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._ // to get global ExecutionContext

def updateNumber(n: Int): Future[Int] = Future.successful(n + 1)
// res9: scala.concurrent.Future[Address] = Future(<not completed>)

Most importantly, Lenses compose together allowing to zoom deeper in a data structure:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address)
val john = Person("John", 20, address)

val addressLens = GenLens[Person](_.address)
addressLens composeLens streetNumber).get(john) should be(res0)
    (addressLens composeLens streetNumber).set(2)(john) should be(res1)

Other Ways of Lens Composition

Is possible to compose few Lenses together by using compose:

val compose = GenLens[Person](_.name).set("Mike") compose GenLens[Person](_.age).modify(_ + 1)

compose(john) shouldBe res0

Same but with the simplified macro based syntax:

import monocle.macros.syntax.lens._

john.lens(_.name).set("Mike").lens(_.age).modify(_ + 1)

(All Setter like optics offer set and modify methods that returns an EndoFunction (i.e. S => S) which means that we can compose modification using basic function composition.)

Sometimes you need an easy way to update Product type inside Sum type - for that case you can compose Prism with Lens by using some:

import monocle.std.option.some
import monocle.macros.GenLens

case class B(c: Int)
case class A(b: Option[B])

val c = GenLens[B](_.c)
val b = GenLens[A](_.b)

(b composePrism some composeLens c).getOption(A(Some(B(1)))) shouldBe res0

Lens Generation

Lens creation is rather boiler platy but we developed a few macros to generate them automatically. All macros are defined in a separate module (see modules).

import monocle.macros.GenLens
val age = GenLens[Person](_.age)

GenLens can also be used to generate Lens several level deep:

GenLens[Person](_.address.streetName).set("Iffley Road")(john) should be(res0)

For those who want to push Lenses generation even further, we created @Lenses macro annotation which generate Lenses for all fields of a case class. The generated Lenses are in the companion object of the case class:

import monocle.macros.Lenses

@Lenses case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
val p = Point(5, 3)
Point.x.get(p) shouldBe res0
Point.y.set(0)(p) shouldBe res1

You can also add a prefix to @Lenses in order to prefix the generated Lenses:

@Lenses("_") case class OtherPoint(x: Int, y: Int)
val op = OtherPoint(5, 3)
OtherPoint._x.get(op) shouldBe res0


A Lens must satisfy all properties defined in LensLaws from the core module. You can check the validity of your own Lenses using LensTests from the law module.

In particular, a Lens must respect the getSet law which states that if you get a value A from S and set it back in, the result is an object identical to the original one. A side effect of this law is that set must only update the A it points to, for example it cannot increment a counter or modify another value.

On the other hand, the setGet law states that if you set a value, you always get the same value back. This law guarantees that set is actually updating a value A inside of S.

val streetNumber = Lens[Address, Int](_.streetNumber)(n => a => a.copy(streetNumber = n))

def getSet[S, A](l: Lens[S, A], s: S): Boolean =
  l.set(l.get(s))(s) == s

def setGet[S, A](l: Lens[S, A], s: S, a: A): Boolean =
  l.get(l.set(a)(s)) == a

getSet(streetNumber, address) should be(res0)

setGet(streetNumber, address, 20) should be(res1)