Fetch is a library that allows your data fetches to be written in a concise, composable way while executing efficiently. You don't need to use any explicit concurrency construct but existing idioms: applicative for concurrency and monad for sequencing.
Oftentimes, our applications read and manipulate data from a variety of different sources such as databases, web services or file systems. These data sources are subject to latency, and we'd prefer to query them efficiently.
If we are just reading data, we can make a series of optimizations such as:
However, if we mix these optimizations with the code that fetches the data we may end up trading clarity for performance. Furthermore, we are mixing low-level (optimization) and high-level (business logic with the data we read) concerns.
To begin, add the following dependency to your SBT build file:
"com.47deg" %% "fetch" % "1.2.2"
Or, if using Scala.js:
"com.47deg" %%% "fetch" % "1.2.2"
Now you’ll have Fetch available in both Scala and Scala.js.
In order to tell Fetch how to retrieve data, we must implement the DataSource
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
trait DataSource[F[_], Identity, Result] {
def data: Data[Identity, Result]
def CF: Concurrent[F]
def fetch(id: Identity): F[Option[Result]]
/* `batch` is implemented in terms of `fetch` by default */
def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Identity]): F[Map[Identity, Result]]
It takes two type parameters:
: the identity we want to fetch (a UserId
if we were fetching users)Result
: the type of the data we retrieve (a User
if we were fetching users)There are two methods: fetch
and batch
. fetch
receives one identity and must return
a Concurrent
an optional result. Returning an Option
Fetch can detect whether an identity couldn't be
fetched or no longer exists.
method takes a non-empty list of identities and must return a Concurrent
a map from identities to results. Accepting a list of identities gives Fetch the ability to batch
requests to the same data source, and returning a mapping from identities to results, Fetch can
detect whenever an identity couldn’t be fetched or no longer exists.
The data
method returns a Data[Identity, Result]
instance that Fetch uses to optimize requests to the
same data source, and is expected to return a singleton object
that extends Data[Identity, Result]
Now that we know about the DataSource
typeclass, let's write our first data source! We'll start by
implementing a data source for fetching users given their id.
The first thing we'll do is define the types for user ids and users.
type UserId = Int
case class User(id: UserId, username: String)
We’ll simulate unpredictable latency with this function.
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
def latency[F[_]: Concurrent](msg: String): F[Unit] = for {
_ <- Sync[F].delay(println(s"--> [${Thread.currentThread.getId}] $msg"))
_ <- Sync[F].delay(Thread.sleep(100))
_ <- Sync[F].delay(println(s"<-- [${Thread.currentThread.getId}] $msg"))
} yield ()
And now we're ready to write our user data source; we'll emulate a database with an in-memory map.
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
val userDatabase: Map[UserId, User] = Map(
1 -> User(1, "@one"),
2 -> User(2, "@two"),
3 -> User(3, "@three"),
4 -> User(4, "@four"))
object Users extends Data[UserId, User] {
def name = "Users"
def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, UserId, User] = new DataSource[F, UserId, User] {
override def data = Users
override def CF = Concurrent[F]
override def fetch(id: UserId): F[Option[User]] =
latency[F](s"One User $id") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.get(id))
override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[UserId]): F[Map[UserId, User]] =
latency[F](s"Batch Users $ids") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.filterKeys(ids.toList.toSet).toMap)
Now that we have a data source we can write a function for fetching users
given an id, we just have to pass a UserId
as an argument to Fetch
def getUser[F[_]: Concurrent](id: UserId): Fetch[F, User] =
Fetch(id, Users.source)
If you want to create a Fetch that doesn’t fail if the identity is not found, you can use
instead of Fetch#apply
. Note that instead of a Fetch[F, A]
you will get a
Fetch[F, Option[A]]
def maybeGetUser[F[_]: Concurrent](id: UserId): Fetch[F, Option[User]] =
Fetch.optional(id, Users.source)
If your data source doesn’t support batching, you can simply leave the batch
method unimplemented.
Note that it will use the fetch
implementation for requesting identities in parallel.
object Unbatched extends Data[Int, Int] {
def name = "Unbatched"
def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, Int, Int] = new DataSource[F, Int, Int] {
override def data = Unbatched
override def CF = Concurrent[F]
override def fetch(id: Int): F[Option[Int]] =
The default batch
implementation run requests to the data source in parallel, but you can easily
override it. We can make batch
sequential using NonEmptyList.traverse
for fetching individual
object UnbatchedSeq extends Data[Int, Int] {
def name = "UnbatchedSeq"
def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, Int, Int] = new DataSource[F, Int, Int] {
override def data = UnbatchedSeq
override def CF = Concurrent[F]
override def fetch(id: Int): F[Option[Int]] =
override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): F[Map[Int, Int]] =
(id) => fetch(id).map(v => (id, v))).map(_.collect { case (i, Some(x)) => (i, x) }.toMap)
If your data source only supports querying it in batches, you can implement fetch
in terms of batch
object OnlyBatched extends Data[Int, Int] {
def name = "OnlyBatched"
def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, Int, Int] = new DataSource[F, Int, Int] {
override def data = OnlyBatched
override def CF = Concurrent[F]
override def fetch(id: Int): F[Option[Int]] =
batch(NonEmptyList(id, List())).map(_.get(id))
override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): F[Map[Int, Int]] =
CF.pure(ids.map(x => (x, x)).toList.toMap)
Since we’lll use IO
from the cats-effect
library to execute our fetches, we’ll need a runtime for
executing our IO
instances. This includes a ContextShift[IO]
used for running the IO
instances and
a Timer[IO]
that is used for scheduling, let’s go ahead and create them, we’ll use a
with a few threads to run our fetches.
import cats.effect._
import java.util.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(4)
val executionContext: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(executor)
implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext)
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext)
We are now ready to create and run fetches. Note the distinction between Fetch creation and execution.
When we are creating Fetch
values, we are just constructing a recipe of our data
def fetchUser[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, User] =
A Fetch is just a value, and in order to be able to get its value we need to run it to an IO first.
import cats.effect.IO
We can now run the IO and see its result:
def fetchUser[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, User] = getUser(1)
Fetch.run[IO](fetchUser).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
When we have two fetches that depend on each other, we can use flatMap
to combine them.
The most straightforward way is to use a for comprehension.
When composing fetches with flatMap
we are telling Fetch that the second one depends on the previous one,
so it isn't able to make any optimizations. When running the below fetch, we will query the user data source
in two rounds: one for the user with id 1 and another for the user with id 2.
def fetchTwoUsers[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] =
for {
aUser <- getUser(1)
anotherUser <- getUser(aUser.id + 1)
} yield (aUser, anotherUser)
Fetch.run[IO](fetchTwoUsers).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
If we combine two independent requests to the same data source, Fetch will automatically batch them together into a single request. Applicative operations like the product of two fetches help us tell the library that those fetches are independent, and thus can be batched if they use the same data source:
Both ids (1 and 2) are requested in a single query to the data source when executing the fetch.
def fetchProduct[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] = (getUser(1), getUser(2)).tupled
Fetch.run[IO](fetchProduct).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
If two independent requests ask for the same identity, Fetch will detect it and deduplicate the id. Note that when running the fetch, the identity 1 is only requested once even when it is needed by both fetches.
def fetchDuped[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] = (getUser(1), getUser(1)).tupled
Fetch.run[IO](fetchDuped).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
During the execution of a fetch, previously requested results are implicitly cached. This allows us to write fetches in a very modular way, asking for all the data they need as if it was in memory; furthermore, it also avoids re-fetching an identity that may have changed during the course of a fetch execution, which can lead to inconsistencies in the data.
val fetchCached: Fetch[(User, User)] = for {
aUser <- getUser(1)
anotherUser <- getUser(1)
} yield (aUser, anotherUser)
As you can see, the User
with id 1 is fetched only once in a single round-trip. The next
time it was needed we used the cached versions, thus avoiding another request to the user data
def fetchCached[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] =
for {
aUser <- getUser(1)
anotherUser <- getUser(1)
} yield (aUser, anotherUser)
Fetch.run[IO](fetchCached).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
Now that we know about some of the optimizations that Fetch can perform to read data efficiently, let's look at how we can combine more than one data source.
Imagine that we are rendering a blog and have the following types for posts:
type PostId = Int
case class Post(id: PostId, author: UserId, content: String)
As you can see, every Post
has an author, but it refers to the author by its id.
We'll implement a data source for retrieving a post given a post id.
val postDatabase: Map[PostId, Post] = Map(
1 -> Post(1, 2, "An article"),
2 -> Post(2, 3, "Another article"),
3 -> Post(3, 4, "Yet another article"))
object Posts extends Data[PostId, Post] {
def name = "Posts"
def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, PostId, Post] = new DataSource[F, PostId, Post] {
override def data = Posts
override def CF = Concurrent[F]
override def fetch(id: PostId): F[Option[Post]] =
latency[F](s"One Post $id") >> CF.pure(postDatabase.get(id))
override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[PostId]): F[Map[PostId, Post]] =
latency[F](s"Batch Posts $ids") >> CF.pure(postDatabase.filterKeys(ids.toList.toSet).toMap)
def getPost[F[_]: Concurrent](id: PostId): Fetch[F, Post] =
Fetch(id, Posts.source)
Apart from posts, we are going to add another data source: one for post topics.
type PostTopic = String
We'll implement a data source for retrieving a post topic given a post id.
object PostTopics extends Data[Post, PostTopic] {
def name = "Post Topics"
def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, Post, PostTopic] = new DataSource[F, Post, PostTopic] {
override def data = PostTopics
override def CF = Concurrent[F]
override def fetch(id: Post): F[Option[PostTopic]] = {
val topic = if (id.id % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative"
latency[F](s"One Post Topic $id") >> CF.pure(Option(topic))
override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Post]): F[Map[Post, PostTopic]] = {
val result = ids.toList.map(id => (id, if (id.id % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative")).toMap
latency[F](s"Batch Post Topics $ids") >> CF.pure(result)
def getPostTopic[F[_]: Concurrent](post: Post): Fetch[F, PostTopic] =
Fetch(post, PostTopics.source)
Now that we have multiple sources let's mix them in the same fetch. In the following example, we are fetching a post given its id and then fetching its topic. This data could come from entirely different places, but Fetch makes working with heterogeneous sources of data very easy.
def fetchMulti[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (Post, PostTopic)] =
for {
post <- getPost(1)
topic <- getPostTopic(post)
} yield (post, topic)
Fetch.run[IO](fetchMulti).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
Besides flatMap
for sequencing fetches and products for running them concurrently,
Fetch provides a number of other combinators.
Whenever we have a list of fetches of the same type and want to run them concurrently, we can use the sequence
combinator. It takes a List[Fetch[A]]
and gives you back a Fetch[List[A]]
, batching the fetches to the same
data source and running fetches to different sources in parallel.
Note that the sequence
combinator is more general and works not only on lists but on any type that
has a Traverse instance.
Since sequence
uses applicative operations internally, the library is able to perform optimizations
across all the sequenced fetches.
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
def fetchSequence[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, List[User]] =
List(getUser(1), getUser(2), getUser(3)).sequence
Fetch.run[IO](fetchSequence).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
Another interesting combinator is traverse
, which is the composition of map
and sequence
All the optimizations made by sequence
still apply when using traverse
def fetchTraverse[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, List[User]] =
List(1, 2, 3).traverse(getUser[F])
Fetch.run[IO](fetchTraverse).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0