We’ve been using Cats’ syntax and fetch.syntax
throughout the examples since it’s more concise and general
than the methods in the Fetch
companion object. However, you can use the methods in the companion object
Note that using cats syntax gives you a plethora of combinators, much richer that what the companion object provides.
Plain values can be lifted to the Fetch monad with Fetch#pure
def fetchPure[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, Int] = Fetch.pure(42)
Fetch.run[IO](fetchPure).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0
Errors can also be lifted to the Fetch monad via Fetch#error
def fetchFail[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, Int] =
Fetch.error(new Exception("Something went terribly wrong"))
Fetch.run[IO](fetchFail).attempt.unsafeRunSync().isLeft shouldBe res0
Fetch is built using Cats’ data types and typeclasses and thus works out of the box with cats syntax. Using
Cats’ syntax, we can make fetch declarations more concise, without the need to use the combinators in the
companion object.
Fetch provides its own instance of Applicative[Fetch]
. Whenever we use applicative operations on more than
one Fetch
, we know that the fetches are independent meaning we can perform optimizations such as batching
and concurrent requests.
If we were to use the default Applicative[Fetch]
operations, which are implemented in terms of flatMap
we wouldn’t have information about the independency of multiple fetches.
The tuple apply syntax allows us to combine multiple independent fetches, even when they are from different types, and apply a pure function to their results. We can use it as a more powerful alternative to the product method:
def fetchThree[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (Post, User, Post)] =
(getPost(1), getUser(2), getPost(2)).tupled
Fetch.run[IO](fetchThree).unsafeRunSync()._2 shouldBe res0
More interestingly, we can use it to apply a pure function to the results of various fetches.
def fetchFriends[F[_]: Concurrent]: Fetch[F, String] =
(getUser(1), getUser(2)).mapN { (one, other) =>
s"${one.username} is friends with ${other.username}"
Fetch.run[IO](fetchFriends).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe res0